About Aikido

Aikido is a traditional Japanese martial art created by Morihei Ueshiba (O-Sensei) in the early 20th century. Aikido strives for the ultimate goal of peaceful resolution rather than defeat. O-Sensei created a martial art in which the preservation of one’s attacker is equally important as one’s own self defense.
Aikido is more than the study of physical techniques; proper etiquette, attitude and behavior are also stressed. The basic movements of Aikido are circular in nature. The Aikidoist trains to harmonize with, rather than confront an aggressive line of force and converts it into a circular motion that renders attackers helpless. The Aikidoist trains to apply various wristlocks, arm pins or unbalancing throws to subdue and neutralize attackers without serious injury. Practiced slowly it can look like a dance, practiced at speed and it becomes obvious that it is also an effective martial art.
Aikido is not a sport and there are no competitions and thus no winning or losing. Cooperative practice with the ultimate goal of helping your peers advance lies at the heart of how we practice. As individuals we train our minds and our bodies so that as we improve ourselves we improve the group. All lessons learned on the mat are then able to be carried off the mat and into everyday life.
Reproduced from the United States Aikido Federation web site
Lunenburg Aikikai

At Lunenburg Aikikai we teach traditional Aikido. Each class is a mixture of warm up exercises, open hand aikido practice, and basic weapons work. We are registered members of the Aikikai Foundation in Tokyo, Japan as well as the United States Aikido Federation under the direction of Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan in NY, NY.
We recognise that Aikido can be many things to many people ranging from an engaging physical activity to a more integrated way of life. Whatever the goal, with an open mind and consistent training, students will improve their physical and mental conditioning and acquire a powerful and effective system of self-defence.
Lunenburg Aikikai has a zero tolerance for any form of harassment or bullying and works diligently to create a safe space for all members.
We advocate mutual respect for everyone and do not support or tolerate any form of discrimination, exploitation, or harassment of anyone for any reason whether based on ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual preference, religion, socio-economic status.
If you are a human being and you want to practice with sincerity, diligence, and kindness, you will be welcomed.
Please call if you would like to come watch a class or if you are a visitor and would like to come train. Currently we are located in the Central United Church Hall at 283 Lincoln Street.
Everyone is welcome.
Chief Instructor

James Constable has been studying aikido for over 30 years and currently holds the rank of Rokudan (6th degree black belt). He is a certified instructor registered with the United States Aikido Federation as well as the Aikikai Foundation in Tokyo Japan.
James has been fortunate enough to study under several Shihans (master teachers) as well as many high ranking instructors in the US and Europe. The majority of his training, however, has been under Shihan Collins Smith (7th dan) of Bermuda Aikikai with whom James continues to study and maintains a close relationship.
James’ focuses are on clean clear basics and the preservation and continued exploration of the weapons practice that was given to him.
“Aikido is a martial art and should be treated as such, but it is also much more. It is also a path to personal development and a way to build community. That building of community, both in our own dojo, amongst our networks of affiliated dojos, and in the world at large is one of my driving forces. At the end of the day, I feel my path is to preserve and continue to study Aikido and to create a space that lifts people up. My own Sensei always said that aikido is a gift. My goal is to keep that gift safe so that the next generation can continue to enjoy it and in turn pass it on. As an instructor my real hope is that over time I will foster students who’s practice and understanding of Aikido will surpass my own. In my mind that is the best way to keep this art alive and vibrant.”
Off the mat James has been a woodworker and furniture maker for as long as he has been an aikido practitioner.